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Planning for the Future

Dear Members and Friends of La Mesa Presbyterian Church,


For many of us, our church is our spiritual home, and so much more. It is a place in which people we love have been baptized; young people have come here and grew up as Christians in this household of faith; young individuals and couples launched into their adult lives here; good times of deep fellowship have occurred here; service to the greater community has been launched and sustained here.


As we all prepare for a day that we are no longer here, through creating wills and living trusts, please consider filling out this form that lets the church staff and your family know your wants and needs for a memorial service or funeral service. Along with that, please consider in what ways you can still bless La Mesa Presbyterian Church, its community, ministry, fellowship, and service for the generations of Christians who will follow you with a gift to this church in your estate, using this easy to fill out form (see below). Blessings...and thanks!

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